thoughts in plain text

my thoughts about software engineering, startups, science and people

The Story of Your Data by R

Data-data-data! Nowaday companies have lots of sorts of different data. Some of them just store data and looking forward to having some insigths, some already have interesting aggregation and reporting frameworks, there are even some that use data to make data-driven decisions. But, today I’m going to write blog post not about real busines cases and data-driven decisions, but about interesting data visualization.

Among different sorts of data, we usually have time series datasets, for instance, user signups, some transactions and so on. The idea of my Friday evening hacking was to write R script, that could visualize such time series. From another side, I wanted to play around with maps in R, so I decided to create visualization of user signups in terms of user location and grouped by a month of user signup.

The story of your data by R

MySQL, Windows way

Usually it’s not a problem to connect to your relational database from R. Or at least not a problem when you use a normal operation system. Unfortunately I’m a big fan of Windows and have some Windows-only software like Tableau. Okay, for my Windows7 x64, I decided to use RMySQL. The problem I’ve faced with:

package ‘RMySQL’ is available as a source package but not as a binary

To make it compiling for my case I needed to download MySQL C Connector, after to copy libmysql.dll into MySQL bin folder and set MYSQL_HOME


First real problem, that I had was geocoding. In my database, I didn’t have any information about real users longitude and latitude. Since, I didn’t want to use information from user details, because some people don’t fill in such information, some use fake data and so on. I decided to use information about IP address. I didn’t find any decent offline geo-coding solution for R, and since it was the evening of Friday I didn’t want to write any additional R wrappers for any of offline geo-coders.

There are a few geo-coding providers. The biggest are Google, Bing and Yandex, but they have strict limits for numbers of queries. I decided to use

Maps, dots, pictures

To have decent visialization I needed map providers. There are different map providers: maps, RgoogleMaps, ggmap, rworldmap and so on. I decided to use maps mainly because of limitations of other map providers.

The current version of the script:

We’re going to get pictures like this

The main goal was to create a nice video with all generated data. To convert PNG images to one MPG file, I used ImageMagic

convert -quality 100 -delay 100 *.png stylight-signups.mpg

But, even with the -quality 100, I had not so good quality of video, especially for HD video. So, I decided to use GIF instead of video. To convert a set of PNG images to one GIF image we need:

convert -quality 100 -delay 100 *.png -loop 0 stylight-signups.gif

The story of your data by R

Since I haven’t found any decent offline geo-decoder for R, my single-threaded ip2coordinates works pretty slowly. In the next iteration of the script, I’m going to add multi-threading and some caching logic to improve speed of geocoding part of the script.

Another things I want to add to visualization is information about current month and correlation of number of users from the same place and size of point on the map. Currently I just have one single point for every IP from my database. And of course a nice high resolution 720p video.
