thoughts in plain text

my thoughts about software engineering, startups, science and people

Data-driven Approach to CFP - Mining PyData Conferences

Data-driven approach is good in the most cases. Most of us have seen people use this approach for some of the business decisions, or something you will care much more than a minor daily decision, but what if your toolkit is so fast and powerful that you can use it easily even for daily tasks.

In this article, I’m going to explain one of such use-cases, and introduce you one of the tools I use for some of my tasks.

So starting with the problem: I was interested to visit a conference, in my case it was one of the local PyData conferences. If you visit a conference you most likely focus on content, so I wanted to have an analysis of the content of the conference. From another side, I was also interested to see, how the focus of the conference was changing over the time and for the very last point, try to find out would it be the kind of conference where I can share my knowledge and experience of using python for data-related tasks.

Original iPython workbook is hosted on Github or also could be viewed on Nbviewer

In [2]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2

# past events
# TODO: fetch this data from past events page
conferences = ['nyc2014', 'berlin2014', 'sv2014', 'ldn2014', 'nyc2013']

abstract_url = ""

conf_data = {}

# Collecting data about abstracts
for conference in conferences:
    print "loading data for %s conference" % conference
    raw = urllib2.urlopen(abstract_url % conference).read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(raw)
    abstracts = [abstract.get_text().strip() for abstract in soup.find_all(class_="accordion-inner")]
    titles = [title.get_text().strip() for title in soup.find_all(class_="accordion-toggle")]
#     speakers = [speaker.get_text().strip() for speaker in".accordion-heading h5 a")]

    conf_data[conference] = {}
    conf_data[conference]['abstracts'] = abstracts
    conf_data[conference]['titles'] = titles
#     conf_data[conference]['speakers'] = speakers
loading data for nyc2014 conference
loading data for berlin2014 conference
loading data for sv2014 conference
loading data for ldn2014 conference
loading data for nyc2013 conference
In [3]:
[u'(Easy), High Performance Text Processing with Rosetta',
 u'A Machine Learning Pipeline with Scikit-Learn',
 u'Advanced IPython Notebook Widgets',
 u'Advanced scikit-learn',
 u'Analyzing Satellite Images With Python Scientific Stack',
 u'Beautiful Interactive Visualizations in the Browser with Bokeh',
 u'Biological Data Science',
 u'Blaze Foundations: Part 1',
 u'Data Community/Meetup Organizers',
 u"Data Science: It's Easy as Py\u01c3",
 u'Data warehouse and conceptual modelling with Cubes 1.0',
 u'Data-driven conversations about biology',
 u'Decreasing Uncertainty with Weakly Informative Priors and Penalized Regression',
 u'Disco: Distributed Multi-Stage Data Pipelines',
 u'Driving Blaze in the Real World of Data Land Mines',
 u'Evaluating skills in educational and other settings: An overview',
 u'From DataFrame to Web Application in 10 minutes',
 u'Get To Know Your Data',
 u'Grids, Streets & Pipelines: Making a linguistic streetmap with scikit-learn',
 u'Healthcare Analytics']

I use Python Pandas to structure all parsed data into dataframes

In [4]:
import pandas as pd

pydata = pd.DataFrame()

for conf in conf_data:
    conf_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(conf_data[conf])
    conf_dataframe['conference'] = conf
    conf_dataframe['city'] = conf[:-4]
    conf_dataframe['year'] = int(conf[-4:])

    print pd.DataFrame.head(conf_dataframe)

    pydata = pydata.append(conf_dataframe)

                                           abstracts  \
1  The The Greater Plains Collaborative (GPC) is ...
2  To a lot of people, Facebook is a website for ...
3  The ad targeting team at Yelp is tasked with p...

                                              titles conference city  year
0                                                        sv2014   sv  2014
1  Using Python and Paver to Control a Large Medi...     sv2014   sv  2014
2  A Full Stack Approach to Data Visualization: T...     sv2014   sv  2014
3                               Ad Targeting at Yelp     sv2014   sv  2014
4  Analyzing Satellite Images With Python Scienti...     sv2014   sv  2014
                                           abstracts  \
0  The Python data ecosystem has grown beyond the...
1  In this talk I will give an overview of Random...
2  Clustering data is a fundamental technique in ...
3  At Conversocial we use machine learning to fil...
4  At WIDE IO, we are specialists in image proces...

                                              titles conference city  year
0  Massively Parallel Processing with Procedural ...    ldn2014  ldn  2014
1  A Beginner's guide to Random Forests - R vs Py...    ldn2014  ldn  2014
2  A Full Stack Approach to Data Visualization: T...    ldn2014  ldn  2014
3  Adaptive Filtering of Tweets with Machine Lear...    ldn2014  ldn  2014
4        An introduction to video action recognition    ldn2014  ldn  2014
                                           abstracts  \
0  I'll walk you through Python's best tools for ...
1  An increasing amount of information is being c...
2  Scikit-learn is one of the most well-known mac...
3  Attendees will be given a practical introducti...
4                                       Coming soon.

                                              titles conference city  year
0  A practical introduction to IPython Notebook &...    nyc2013  nyc  2013
1                           Image Features in Python    nyc2013  nyc  2013
2  A Beginner’s Guide to Machine Learning with Sc...    nyc2013  nyc  2013
3  A practical introduction to Pandas with Citibi...    nyc2013  nyc  2013
4  An Intro to FOSS Licenses and Copyrights in Da...    nyc2013  nyc  2013
                                           abstracts  \
0  ABBY is a Django app that helps you manage you...
1  Python is quickly becoming the glue language w...
3                                        Coming Soon
4  Learn how to program and utilize the parallel ...

                                           titles  conference    city  year
0  ABBY - A Django app to document your A/B tests  berlin2014  berlin  2014
1                Algorithmic Trading with Zipline  berlin2014  berlin  2014
2                                           Blaze  berlin2014  berlin  2014
3                   Building the PyData Community  berlin2014  berlin  2014
4                                 CUDA 6 Tutorial  berlin2014  berlin  2014
                                           abstracts  \
0  This talk covers rapid prototyping of a high p...
1  Scikit-Learn is one of the most popular machin...
2  IPython recently introduced a new framework fo...
3                                       Coming soon.
4  Python has a rich ecosystem of open source geo...

                                              titles conference city  year
0  (Easy), High Performance Text Processing with ...    nyc2014  nyc  2014
1      A Machine Learning Pipeline with Scikit-Learn    nyc2014  nyc  2014
2                  Advanced IPython Notebook Widgets    nyc2014  nyc  2014
3                              Advanced scikit-learn    nyc2014  nyc  2014
4  Analyzing Satellite Images With Python Scienti...    nyc2014  nyc  2014

Interesting to see how many talks we had from year to year, also that’s another point to check that data looks close to what we expect

In [5]:
print 'records in dataframe %i' % len(pydata)
pydata.groupby(['conference']).count(1).sort('year', ascending=False)
records in dataframe 233
abstracts titles city year
berlin2014 50 50 50 50
nyc2014 50 50 50 50
sv2014 49 49 49 49
ldn2014 44 44 44 44
nyc2013 40 40 40 40

Seems like number of talks is slowly growing from 40 during nyc2013 and up to 50 during the last pydata of 2014

Now we have all the data. Let’s try to analyse it

So what size of proposal do they usually have?

In [6]:
abstract_lens = [len(abst) for abst in pydata['abstracts'] if len(abst) > 44]
print abstract_lens
[961, 741, 326, 534, 534, 2089, 738, 306, 2222, 1331, 421, 402, 650, 490, 822, 415, 752, 188, 188, 553, 444, 1300, 663, 991, 536, 913, 911, 2362, 865, 1415, 918, 1145, 1198, 1023, 1311, 581, 1889, 277, 1015, 2281, 684, 1057, 783, 590, 902, 366, 657, 504, 1182, 266, 1390, 534, 877, 880, 398, 445, 733, 619, 1598, 668, 415, 1056, 764, 534, 618, 1148, 1688, 918, 616, 440, 172, 220, 982, 674, 1127, 896, 1093, 1036, 685, 707, 493, 901, 2022, 414, 221, 294, 1842, 548, 825, 827, 689, 690, 1531, 249, 1004, 242, 395, 727, 173, 896, 453, 108, 928, 762, 253, 238, 480, 2093, 503, 1195, 1571, 477, 1268, 408, 1721, 264, 1522, 1113, 578, 885, 650, 1893, 561, 559, 670, 722, 128, 1196, 1179, 1395, 742, 415, 188, 460, 1158, 534, 315, 908, 1805, 1093, 684, 788, 2347, 2347, 902, 756, 1234, 604, 909, 1048, 2270, 2000, 277, 793, 1129, 860, 698, 513, 1025, 919, 632, 829, 132, 637, 683, 1092, 568, 359, 456, 1024, 2757, 1013, 771, 66, 535, 893, 1115, 394, 499, 646, 875, 1542, 1055, 1255, 430, 1015, 545, 599, 421, 1253, 1084, 925, 871, 822, 824, 990, 615, 1568]

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
(array([ 23.,  46.,  45.,  43.,  17.,   7.,   6.,   4.,   6.,   1.]),
 array([   66. ,   335.1,   604.2,   873.3,  1142.4,  1411.5,  1680.6,
         1949.7,  2218.8,  2487.9,  2757. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [8]:
count 198.000000
mean 858.030303
std 509.741916
min 66.000000
25% 506.250000
50% 759.000000
75% 1056.750000
max 2757.000000

What about word corpus from different years

In [9]:
import nltk
stop = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')

text = {}
words = {}
In [10]:
stop_list = ["ll", "II", "ll", "http", "://", "e", "g", "2", "0"]

for conference in conf_data:
    raw = " ".join(conf_data[conference]['abstracts'])
    tokens = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer().tokenize(raw)
    text[conference] = nltk.Text(tokens)
    words[conference] = [w.lower() for w in text[conference] if w.lower() not in stop_list]
    words[conference] = [w for w in words[conference] if w not in stop]
    words[conference] = filter(lambda word: word not in u'%,-:()$\/;?.’–“”*\'[]', words[conference])
    words[conference] = [w for w in words[conference] if w not in stop_list]

Let’s check collocations in the abstracts.
Collocations are expressions of multiple words which commonly co-occur.

In [11]:
for conference in text:
    print conference
    print text[conference].collocations()

http ://; nearest neighbor; machine learning; Reference Model;
neighbor algorithm; IPython Notebook; big data; open source; make
predictions; data analysis; Big Data; github repository; current
state; means clustering; visualization libraries; https ://; compiler
optimizations; accepting payments; block fraud; concise construction

http ://; machine learning; :// www; data processing; open source;
Matrix Factorisation; certain types; public clouds; rent ratios;
financial industry; PyData Boston; blocking technique; cloud
computing; exact solution; includes two; presentation focuses; drug
development; graphical plotting; quantum chemistry; wide range

http ://; machine learning; Big Data; Quantified Self; self tracking;
Semantic Web; Coming Soon; among others; open source; data analysis;
case study; Hadoop jobs; :// www; working knowledge; predictive model;
time permits; Add tranformations; Machine Learning; Operating System;
Pythonista interested

machine learning; Coming Soon; open source; IPython Notebook; Coming
soon; chip design; broad range; face detection; file descriptor; https
://; hue binning; resources needed; image features; talk covers;
computer vision; oriented computations; future computation; CPython
interpreter; analytics capabilities; sampling algorithms

machine learning; open source; data science; Cloud Foundry; command
line; Coming soon; time series; financial statements; New York; Time
permitting; confidence pool; crafted artisanal; dimensionality
reduction; gene expression; keep track; rapid prototyping; big data;
http ://; style buildpack; web application

Words used in abstracts

In [12]:
numwords = {}
uniwords = {}

for conference in text:
    numwords[conference] = len(text[conference])
    uniwords[conference] = len(set(text[conference]))

for conference in reversed(conferences):
    print "%s: \tnumwords - %i, unique - %i" % \
        (conference, numwords[conference], uniwords[conference])
nyc2013: 	numwords - 4329, unique - 1337
ldn2014: 	numwords - 5860, unique - 1738
sv2014: 	numwords - 7462, unique - 1906
berlin2014: 	numwords - 7633, unique - 1877
nyc2014: 	numwords - 6293, unique - 1824
In [13]:, [uniwords[conference] for conference in reversed(conferences)], align='center', )
plt.xticks(range(len(uniwords)), [conference for conference in reversed(conferences)])

Seems like the number of unique words had its peak during the sv2014 and right now is pretty stable and even slowly decreasing


In [14]:
from nltk.collocations import *

bigram_measures = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()

for conference in reversed(conferences):
    print "Bigrams " + str(conference)
    finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words[conference])
    scored = finder.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)
    print pd.DataFrame(scored[:25])
    print "\n\n"
Bigrams nyc2013
                              0         1
0           (machine, learning)  0.008158
1               (scikit, learn)  0.005152
2                (coming, soon)  0.003435
3              (data, analysis)  0.002147
4                (chip, design)  0.001717
5               (data, science)  0.001717
6             (image, features)  0.001717
7           (ipython, notebook)  0.001717
8                (open, source)  0.001717
9                   (scidb, py)  0.001717
10           (data, scientists)  0.001288
11       (learning, algorithms)  0.001288
12            (learning, tasks)  0.001288
13               (models, like)  0.001288
14               (python, data)  0.001288
15               (talk, covers)  0.001288
16       (across, organization)  0.000859
17    (analytics, capabilities)  0.000859
18               (array, based)  0.000859
19            (array, oriented)  0.000859
20            (asynchronous, o)  0.000859
21  (asynchronous, programming)  0.000859
22               (broad, range)  0.000859
23                      (c, ++)  0.000859
24         (challenge, scaling)  0.000859

Bigrams ldn2014
                               0         1
0             (data, processing)  0.001969
1            (machine, learning)  0.001969
2                (data, science)  0.001312
3                    (data, set)  0.001312
4                 (open, source)  0.001312
5                    (python, r)  0.001312
6                 (python, used)  0.001312
7                (scikit, learn)  0.001312
8                  (use, python)  0.001312
9                  (com, vstoxx)  0.000984
10                (data, mining)  0.000984
11      (derivatives, analytics)  0.000984
12            (eurexchange, com)  0.000984
13        (financial, analytics)  0.000984
14         (financial, industry)  0.000984
15           (high, performance)  0.000984
16  (information, visualization)  0.000984
17           (ipython, notebook)  0.000984
18               (python, based)  0.000984
19            (scientific, data)  0.000984
20                (using, bokeh)  0.000984
21            (www, eurexchange)  0.000984
22                     (!, wish)  0.000656
23                       (.", ")  0.000656
24            (analysis, python)  0.000656

Bigrams sv2014
                            0         1
0                 (big, data)  0.002805
1         (machine, learning)  0.002550
2              (open, source)  0.002295
3             (scikit, learn)  0.002295
4         (ipython, notebook)  0.002040
5         (high, performance)  0.001785
6            (data, analysis)  0.001530
7             (data, science)  0.001530
8               (high, level)  0.001530
9                (k, nearest)  0.001530
10        (nearest, neighbor)  0.001530
11      (neighbor, algorithm)  0.001530
12               (real, time)  0.001530
13         (reference, model)  0.001530
14             (using, bokeh)  0.001530
15              (large, data)  0.001275
16             (python, code)  0.001275
17         (data, processing)  0.001020
18                 (k, means)  0.001020
19        (make, predictions)  0.001020
20               (talk, walk)  0.001020
21             (time, series)  0.001020
22           (training, data)  0.001020
23          (clinical, trial)  0.000765
24  (compiler, optimizations)  0.000765

Bigrams berlin2014
                         0         1
0      (machine, learning)  0.002329
1         (data, analysis)  0.002070
2              (big, data)  0.001811
3       (data, processing)  0.001811
4             (real, time)  0.001552
5      (ipython, notebook)  0.001294
6      (knowledge, python)  0.001294
7           (open, source)  0.001294
8      (processing, large)  0.001294
9          (scikit, learn)  0.001294
10          (coming, soon)  0.001035
11             (csv, json)  0.001035
12          (data, driven)  0.001035
13         (data, science)  0.001035
14          (data, source)  0.001035
15          (hadoop, jobs)  0.001035
16          (jobs, python)  0.001035
17  (knowledge, mapreduce)  0.001035
18           (large, data)  0.001035
19         (need, process)  0.001035
20      (quantified, self)  0.001035
21        (self, tracking)  0.001035
22         (semantic, web)  0.001035
23    (signal, processing)  0.001035
24            (state, art)  0.001035

Bigrams nyc2014
                          0         1
0       (machine, learning)  0.004188
1           (data, science)  0.003290
2           (scikit, learn)  0.003290
3            (open, source)  0.002692
4               (big, data)  0.001496
5            (coming, soon)  0.001197
6        (data, processing)  0.001197
7              (data, sets)  0.001197
8       (python, ecosystem)  0.001197
9          (cloud, foundry)  0.000897
10          (command, line)  0.000897
11         (data, analysis)  0.000897
12         (deep, learning)  0.000897
13  (financial, statements)  0.000897
14        (languages, like)  0.000897
15   (learning, techniques)  0.000897
16          (light, weight)  0.000897
17             (one, might)  0.000897
18      (selective, search)  0.000897
19              (show, one)  0.000897
20               (talk, go)  0.000897
21           (time, series)  0.000897
22       (web, application)  0.000897
23           (3d, graphics)  0.000598
24          (analysis, use)  0.000598

Year over Year

In [15]:
result = pd.DataFrame()

for conference in reversed(conferences):
    finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words[conference], window_size = 2)
    ignored_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
    finder.apply_word_filter(lambda w: len(w) < 3 or w.lower() in ignored_words)
    scores = finder.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)

    if len(result) == 0:
        result = pd.DataFrame(scores, columns=["ngram", str(conference)])
        result = result.merge(pd.DataFrame(scores, columns=["ngram", str(conference)]))

print result[:15]
                  ngram   nyc2013   ldn2014    sv2014  berlin2014   nyc2014
0   (machine, learning)  0.008158  0.001969  0.002550    0.002329  0.004188
1       (scikit, learn)  0.005152  0.001312  0.002295    0.001294  0.003290
2      (data, analysis)  0.002147  0.000656  0.001530    0.002070  0.000897
3       (data, science)  0.001717  0.001312  0.001530    0.001035  0.003290
4   (ipython, notebook)  0.001717  0.000984  0.002040    0.001294  0.000598
5        (open, source)  0.001717  0.001312  0.002295    0.001294  0.002692
6        (python, data)  0.001288  0.000328  0.000765    0.000259  0.000299
7     (user, interface)  0.000859  0.000328  0.000765    0.000259  0.000299
8           (big, data)  0.000429  0.000656  0.002805    0.001811  0.001496
9        (data, driven)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000510    0.001035  0.000598
10   (data, processing)  0.000429  0.001969  0.001020    0.001811  0.001197
11         (data, sets)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000765    0.000259  0.001197
12         (every, day)  0.000429  0.000328  0.000510    0.000259  0.000299
13  (high, performance)  0.000429  0.000984  0.001785    0.000259  0.000598
14    (large, datasets)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000765    0.000517  0.000299
In [16]:
transposed = result[:10].transpose()
headers = transposed[0:1:].values
print headers
[[(u'machine', u'learning') (u'scikit', u'learn') (u'data', u'analysis')
  (u'data', u'science') (u'ipython', u'notebook') (u'open', u'source')
  (u'python', u'data') (u'user', u'interface') (u'big', u'data')
  (u'data', u'driven')]]
In [17]:
%matplotlib inline

new_transposed = transposed[1::]
new_transposed.columns = headers[0]
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e4d9990>
In [18]:
print result[:15].sort(['nyc2014'], ascending=[0])
                  ngram   nyc2013   ldn2014    sv2014  berlin2014   nyc2014
0   (machine, learning)  0.008158  0.001969  0.002550    0.002329  0.004188
1       (scikit, learn)  0.005152  0.001312  0.002295    0.001294  0.003290
3       (data, science)  0.001717  0.001312  0.001530    0.001035  0.003290
5        (open, source)  0.001717  0.001312  0.002295    0.001294  0.002692
8           (big, data)  0.000429  0.000656  0.002805    0.001811  0.001496
10   (data, processing)  0.000429  0.001969  0.001020    0.001811  0.001197
11         (data, sets)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000765    0.000259  0.001197
2      (data, analysis)  0.002147  0.000656  0.001530    0.002070  0.000897
4   (ipython, notebook)  0.001717  0.000984  0.002040    0.001294  0.000598
9        (data, driven)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000510    0.001035  0.000598
13  (high, performance)  0.000429  0.000984  0.001785    0.000259  0.000598
6        (python, data)  0.001288  0.000328  0.000765    0.000259  0.000299
7     (user, interface)  0.000859  0.000328  0.000765    0.000259  0.000299
12         (every, day)  0.000429  0.000328  0.000510    0.000259  0.000299
14    (large, datasets)  0.000429  0.000656  0.000765    0.000517  0.000299

We have very few data points, but based on data we can see, that (machine, learning) and (scikit, learn) is still on top. (open, source) and (big, data) is also picking up, that means, that we already have some experience and starting to play bigger.

P.S. Most of the text generated automatically from the original Ipython workbook. That’s the explanation, why I have so much h3 text in this article - because it was in original workbook.
